Observations from the Balcony – Themes affecting clients potential this week

by Wendy Nagel, May 24, 2023


In focus this week: Dealing with uncertainty, chaos and the relentless nature of life, requires PRESENCE.

This is emerging as a real challenge for people across industries and regardless of level in organisations. I see us moving well beyond resilience into two possibilities – we become brittle and break if we continue to react to everything externally driven, or we become extraordinarily human as we develop our capacity for stillness in the face of all the noise and learn to respond from the quality of presence. Present people are experienced as extraordinary in a world full of distractions.

Personally, I’m up for the extraordinary human; a deeply connected, spiritually grounded and present individual who is capable of being with what is true of their experience (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) in the now, as well as the experience of others in an effort to make sense of reality instead of the imagined.

When we do this, we are able to access wisdom beyond all the ‘knowing’ in the system which allows for more connectedness, cohesion and collaboration, recognising the interdependencies which make up the complexity that bamboozles us when we rely only on what we know in our minds. Sadly, when we operate from what we know, we leave out critical information in the field of consciousness beyond thoughts.

I observe beliefs that have folks continually proving themselves worthy, good enough, valuable and achieving in order to prevent the fear of not being these things from becoming a reality. The stress created internally believing we need to be a certain way in order to be valuable, acknowledged and appreciated is excruciating and serves to distance ourselves from the here and now as we relentlessly chase the next thing and the next.

Presence is asking each of us to be bringing more of ourselves to every situation we experience, and with more presence, we can more deliberately create a world more reflective of an attuned inner experience.




















So what to do:

  1. Practice being deeply attuned to the fullness of your experience in the present. A simple 3-point check in to witness and take accountability for who is showing up in the moment:
    • How your body is feeling; any tension, pain, constriction, areas of energy flow versus areas that feel offline or absent.
    • The emotions and feelings dominating your mood in the moment and the impact on your actions/behaviour.
    • The ticker-tape parade of your thoughts and mindset in the moment and how these may be impacting your mood and behaviour.
  2. Catch yourself in the drift between the time lenses of the past, present and future and be sure to be choosing from your lived experience (where your body is) in the present. I offer that if every part of your being screams a hell yes, then do what needs to be done and if it screams NO, then don’t. Too often we make choices that aren’t good for us even though we get a very clear, no.
  3. Try to reduce the internal stress created when head, heart and hands are not in alignment. Head pulls in one direction because of the egoic beliefs and limitations, and the heart is wanting to go the opposite way. When head, heart, hands and spirit are all in alignment, then we find presence and we flow with life.

 If you are serious about becoming the creator of your life and you recognise that something within you has to change, you can reach me at [email protected] or book a free session at www.thepotentialityco.com/meetings/.


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