Observations from the Balcony – Themes affecting clients potential this week

by Wendy Nagel, May 17, 2023

In focus this week:


  1. We need to create time for the things that are important to us. I am observing a rather loud narrative that there’s no time for exercise, fun, quiet time to reflect, mindfulness, eating right, getting sufficient quality sleep or simple relaxation. It seems that people are having a tough time with work demands and how they encroach on aspects that are fundamental to living a multi-dimensional life.

It is vital to get clear on what you value in life and schedule your day, week, and month accordingly to ensure that your choices are in service of how you want to be experiencing life, of which work is but one part.

Obviously, we need to place a value on having work and meeting the demands and expectations of the thing that enables our lives. However, when we make choices that disallow our health and wellbeing, we run the very real risk that we will not be of any use to our families or the organisations we serve. Often, it takes some kind of cataclysmic event to make us pay attention to the choices we are making.

  1. If it is not scheduled, chances are it will not happen. There is a deliberateness required if we are to ‘make time’ for the things that matter. This is true of work-related priorities or the activities that help us to resource ourselves to perform at the level we aspire to.

Commit to making small adjustments that can be sustained as opposed to audacious goals, that becomes too onerous to achieve and so no steps are made towards achieving them – we basically quit before we even get to the start line.

There is something to be said for a game plan each day. Sure, things will pop up that aren’t planned for, but the bottom line is that you can schedule “Reaction Time” to those lovely surprise and delights and deal them when you have provided time for them in place of shifting your focus from what is important to you and your contribution.

I hear too many people bemoaning the fact that their days are running them, instead of the other way around. You have been granted another day, do you just become a victim of it, or do you create the day you want to experience more meaning and success? 

So what to do:

  1. Decide who you want to be and how you want to experience life – this establishes what you value. You then have a means of prioritising based on what’s important to you in place of reacting to external stimuli.
  2. Determine the habits/practices that support the best version of you.
  3. Schedule these into your day, week and month and build consistency. You will be amazed at how life transforms itself over time.
  4. Stick to your plans 80:20 – this allows for some deviation without disrupting completely what you plan to achieve. When we do this, we also build a deeper trust in ourselves to make choices that are votes in favour of who we want to be.
  5. Respect your commitments and scheduling, others will begin to respect them as you become a by-product of your habits.

If you are serious about becoming the creator of your life and you recognise that something within you has to change, get hold of me at [email protected] or book a free session at www.thepotentialityco.com/meetings/ . I am ready to help you become who you want to be.


    • Shirley Luff
      Reply Cancel Reply
    • May 17, 2023

    I spent sometime drawing up a list of the things you have mentioned. One of the habits I want to create is being able to help others (easier to help the people I care for). I am setting time aside to actively seek those in my community that I can help without feeling like it’s hard work.

    • Hey Shirley, we can offer so much support as long as we are giving ourselves what we need first so that we have maximum resources for contributions out of love and not obligation. Have fun!

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